technologies, greenhouses and equipment

+375 17 303 41 63

+375 29 305 66 51

Republic of Belarus, Minsk Kazintsa st., 86 / 2-208

Seed processing and storage equipment

   The main types of work on seedling cultivation are preparation for sowing of hard-to-germinate seeds, arrangement of beds, sowing and care of crops.


  The full cycle of conifer cone processing includes cone sorting and cleaning, seed drying and extraction, de-worming, seed cleaning and sorting, drying before storing. Seeds of coniferous species for long-term storage are stored in refrigerated chambers, at a temperature regime from -20оС to +20оС. Storage of seeds at low temperature ensures preservation of their quality and slowing down of the natural aging process. The following equipment is used for processing of forest seed raw materials and obtaining clean seeds and its further storage: